Configuring a client


Thanks to texter crate, the client can send text in any encoding to the server.

texter also provides an efficient way to update documents incrementally.

File extensions

The LSP server must know how each file extensions are associated with a parser.

The client is responsible for sending this information to the server.

Using VScode LSP client, this is done via providing perFileParser object in the initializationOptions of LanguageClientOptions.

import { LanguageClient, LanguageClientOptions, ServerOptions, RequestType } from 'vscode-languageclient/node';

// We tell the server that .py files are associated with the python parser defined via the configure_parsers! macro.
const initializationOptions = {
		perFileParser: {
			"py": "python"

const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		documentSelector: [{ language: 'python' }],
		synchronize: {
			fileEvents: workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/*.py')
		outputChannel: channel,
		uriConverters: createUriConverters(),


You have an example in the vscode-python-wasi-lsp folder in the auto-lsp repository.