Auto LSP

A Rust crate for creating Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) and Language Server Protocol (LSP) servers.

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auto_lsp is designed to be as language-agnostic as possible, allowing any Tree-sitter grammar to be used.

Defining a simple AST involves two steps: writing the queries and then defining the corresponding AST structures in Rust.

cargo add auto_lsp

Quick example

Let's say you have a toy language with a root node named document containing a list of function nodes, each containing a unique name.

A simple query file to capture the root document and function names:

(document) @document
    (name) @name) @function

The corresponding AST definition in Rust:

use auto_lsp::seq;

#[seq(query = "document")]
struct Document {
   functions: Vec<Function>

#[seq(query = "function")]
struct Function {
   name: Name

#[seq(query = "name")]
struct Name {}

Now that you have your AST defined, you can:

  • Implement the AST traits and create a LSP server (with the lsp_server feature).
  • Add your own logic for testing purposes, code_generation, etc.


auto-lsp only has 2 macros to define an AST:

All symbols are thread-safe and have their own parse function via blanket implementations. This means any symbol can be used as a root node, allowing you to:

  • Create a full AST from any Tree-sitter grammar.
  • Derive a subset of the grammar, depending on your needs.

However, this level of flexibility and permissiveness comes with some caveats. It can be more prone to errors and requires careful attention when writing your queries.

To address this, auto_lsp provides testing and logging utilities to help you ensure that the AST behaves as intended.


  • deadlock_detection: Enable parking_lot's deadlock detection (not compatible with wasm).
  • log: Enable logging. (uses stderrlog)
  • lsp_server: Enable the LSP server (uses lsp_server).
  • rayon: Enable rayon support (not compatible with wasm).
  • wasm: Enable wasm support.
  • html: Enable the html workspace mock for testing purposes.
  • python: Enable the python workspace mock for testing purposes.

Creating an AST

In this chapter, we will see how to create an AST using the auto_lsp crate.

Any AST is created in two main steps:

  • Write the query to capture the nodes you are interested in.
  • Define the corresponding AST structures in Rust.

There is no specific order to follow; you can perform both steps in parallel.

In the next chapter, we will explore how to write the core query to capture the nodes.

Core Query

When defining the main query for creating the AST, it is important to keep in mind that auto_lsp captures nodes in the order they appear in the Tree-sitter tree.

The following query works as expected:

(document) @document
    (identifier) @name) @function

Duplicate nodes

If you use common nodes like identifier, Tree-sitter will capture them multiple times.

Given the following AST:

use auto_lsp::seq;

#[seq(query = "document")]
struct Document {
    functions: Vec<Function>,

#[seq(query = "function")]
struct Function {
    name: Identifier,

#[seq(query = "identifier")]
struct Identifier {}

The core query could be written as:

(document) @document
    (identifier) @name) @function

(identifier) @identifier


In this case, identifier will be captured twice, once as a name and once as an identifier — which will result in an unknown symbol error.

You can resolve this in two ways:

1 - Constrain the Capture

Use one of Tree-sitter's operators or predicates to constrain the capture of duplicate nodes.

2 - Merge parts of the Query

Remove the name capture, since name is already an identifier:

(document) @document
(function) @function

(identifier) @identifier

Anonymous nodes

Sometimes, Tree-sitter has anonymous nodes that are not visible in the tree or can't be captured via queries.

In this case, you can identify the part where the anonymous rules occur, add a wildcard node, and create a #seq node to handle it.

If a field is already defined, this makes it even easier.

    "body" (_) @body) @function

(identifier) @identifier
use auto_lsp::seq;

#[seq(query = "function")]
struct Function {
    body: Body,

#[seq(query = "body")]
struct Body {
    /* ... */

Aliased nodes

When creating a new tree-sitter grammar, be cautious with aliased nodes.

Tree-sitter allows a single node type to represent multiple different syntax structures through aliasing.

However, this creates a problem: you can only write one query definition per node type, and tree-sitter doesn't provide a way to determine if a node is using its primary type or an alias.

This limitation means that if you use aliased nodes, your AST might not accurately represent the different syntactic structures in your code.


Seq macro

#seq is used to define a sequence of nodes and it only works with structs.

Fields can be named however you want, auto_lsp relies on query names to build the AST.

A field can either be:

  • Another struct (a nested sequence of nodes).
  • An enum (a choice between multiple sequences of nodes).
  • A Vec of structs or enums built with the same macros.
  • An Option of a struct or enum.

A Vec can contain 0 or any number of elements. Since tree sitter already defines repeat and repeat1, a repeat1 would return an error from the tree-sitter lexer if the Vec is empty.

use auto_lsp::core::ast::*;
use auto_lsp::{seq, choice};

#[seq(query = "document")]
struct Document {
    // A simple field
    name: Identifier,
    // A vec of structs
    functions: Vec<Function>,
    // A vec of enums
    elements: Vec<Element>,
    // An optional field
    return_type: Option<Type>,

#[seq(query = "function")]
struct Function {}

enum Element {

#[seq(query = "statement")]
struct Statement {}

#[seq(query = "expression")]
struct Expression {}

#[seq(query = "type")]
struct Identifier {}

#[seq(query = "type")]
struct Type {}

Seq Attributes

  • query: The name of the query used to capture the node.

All other attributes are optional. By default #seq will generate an empty version of each trait.

(Since rust does not have stable specialization)

When an attribute is provided, the corresponding trait must be implemented manually.

To activate an attribute, just add it to any #seq macro parameters:

use auto_lsp::seq;
use auto_lsp::core::ast::{BuildDocumentSymbols, BuildCodeActions};
use auto_lsp::core::document_symbols_builder::DocumentSymbolsBuilder;

// Here, we tell auto_lsp that document_symbols and code_actions
// will be implemented manually.

// If an attribute is declared but no implementation is provided,
// your code won't compile.
#[seq(query = "function",
struct Function {}

impl BuildDocumentSymbols for Function {
    fn build_document_symbols(&self, doc: &Document, builder: &mut DocumentSymbolsBuilder {
        /* ... */

impl BuildCodeActions for Function {
    fn build_code_actions(&self, doc: &Document, acc: &mut Vec<lsp_types::CodeAction>) {
        /* ... */

LSP traits

Special traits

  • comment: mark this node as a node that can potentially contain a comment. If the comments query is provided in the parser configuration, comments found above the node will be attached to it.

  • check: Check trait.

The Check trait is a special trait used to validate a symbol. When implemented, auto_lsp will execute the check method to verify the symbol's validity.


check returns a CheckStatus to indicate whether the validation was successful. To add diagnostics, push them into the provided diagnostics vector.

use auto_lsp::seq;
use auto_lsp::core::ast::{Check, CheckStatus};

#[seq(query = "document", check)]
struct Document {}

impl Check for Document {
    fn check(
        doc: &Document,
        diagnostics: &mut Vec<lsp_types::Diagnostic>,
    ) -> CheckStatus {
        let source = doc.texter.text.as_bytes();
        let document_text =;

        if document_text.starts_with("Hello, World") {
            return CheckStatus::Ok
        } else {
            diagnostics.push(lsp_types::Diagnostic {
                range: self.get_lsp_range(document),
                severity: Some(lsp_types::DiagnosticSeverity::Error),
                message: "Document must start with 'Hello, World'".to_string(),
            return CheckStatus::Fail;

Choice Macro

#choice is used to define a choice between multiple sequences of nodes, it only works with enums.

Unlike #seq, #choice does not have any attribute. Instead, choice will try to find the correct variant at runtime by testing the query name of each variant.

Then the underlying variant will have the according trait methods called if implemented.

Variants behave similarly to #seq fields, they can be named however you want, only the value is important.


#choice only supports direct symbols, Vec and Option are not supported.

use auto_lsp::{seq, choice};

enum Element {

#[seq(query = "statement")]
struct Statement {}

#[seq(query = "expression")]
struct Expression {}

Pattern Matching

The #[choice] attribute generates standard Rust enums that fully support pattern matching. This makes it easy to work with nested AST structures.

For example, consider an expression that can contain nested types:

pub enum Expression {

pub enum PrimaryExpression {

You can pattern match through multiple layers using standard Rust match expressions:

impl Expression {
    pub fn is_integer(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Expression::PrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpression::Integer(_)))

    pub fn is_bool(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Expression::PrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpression::Bool(_)))

The AST tree

The AST Tree is a linked list of strongly typed nodes. Each node is a Symbol<T> where T is a type implementing AstSymbol.

When using one of the #seq, or #choice macros, auto_lsp will generate two types of symbols:

  • The symbol itself with thread safe fields
  • The builder associated with the symbol

For example a struct named Module with an optional Function field:

use auto_lsp::core::seq;

#[seq(query = "module")]
struct Module {
    function: Option<Function>,

#[seq(query = "function")]
struct Function {}

This would generate:

pub struct Module {
    pub function: Option<Symbol<Function>>,

pub struct ModuleBuilder {
    function: MaybePendingSymbol,

Interacting with the tree

Static and Dynamic Symbols

The AST tree is composed of 3 types of symbols:

  • Static symbols: Symbol<T> where T implements AstSymbol.
  • Dynamic symbols: DynSymbol which is a trait object that wraps a Symbol<T>.
  • Weak symbols: WeakSymbol which is a weak reference to a DynSymbol.

Dynamic symbols implement downcasting thanks to the downcast_rs crate.

Weak symbols can be upgraded to a dynamic symbol using the WeakSymbol::to_dyn method.

Static symbols offer better performance due to static dispatch and type safety, while dynamic symbols are useful for referencing symbols anywhere in the tree or performing method calls without needing to worry about the type.

Walking the tree

While the tree does not implement iterators, it still provides methods to locate a node or walk inside:

  • descendant_at: Find the lowest node in the tree at the given offset.
  • descendant_at_and_collect: Find the lowest node in the tree at the given offset and clones all nodes matching the closure's condition.
  • traverse_and_collect: Find the lowest node in the tree at the given offset and clone all nodes that match the closure's condition.

All methods that imply walking the tree will return a DynSymbol that can be downcasted to the desired type.

In addition, all symbols have a get_parent mmethod to retrieve the parent symbol. Since the parent might be dropped, which could invalidate the child nodes, a WeakSymbol returned and must be upgraded to a DynSymbol when used.


It is strongly discouraged to store symbols or manually edit them, as this may lead to memory leaks or an inconsistent tree.


The tree-sitter lexer handles syntax analysis and reports:

  • Syntax errors
  • Missing nodes
  • Invalid token sequences

auto_lsp requires a valid Concrete Syntax Tree (CST) from tree-sitter to generate an AST.

Automatic errors

During AST construction, auto_lsp automatically detects and reports errors:

There are 2 types of errors:

  • Missing Fields: Occurs when required fields in an AST node aren't matched by the query

  • Query Mismatch: Happens when query captures don't align with the AST structure.

Workspace and Document

To test or run your queries and your AST, you need to create a Workspace .

The Workspace in auto-lsp is not related to a Visual Studio Code workspace. Instead, it refers to an internal structure that contains the AST and related information, such as diagnostics and parsers."

The document and tree-sitter parts are stored in the Document struct.

Workspace struct

Workspace contains the following fields:

  • url: The url of the document associated with the workspace.
  • parsers: A static Parsers struct that contains all the necessary tools to generate an AST.
  • diagnostics: A list of diagnostics kept in sync with the AST.
  • ast: The AST (if any).
  • unsolved_checks: A list of symbols that still need to be resolved.
  • unsolved_references: A list of references that still need to be resolved.
  • changes: A list of last changes made to the AST.

Additionally, a Workspace has also a few useful methods:

  • parse: Parse a given Document and generate the AST.


It's preferable to use from_utf8 or from_texter to create a workspace, see #creating-a-workspace.

  • get_tree_sitter_errors: Get all errors from the tree-sitter parser and converts them to Diagnostics (acts as a lexer).
  • set_comments: Find all comments in the document and attempts to attach them to corresponding nodes.
  • find_all_with_regex: Find all slices that match a given regex.

Document struct

Struct has the following fields:

  • texter: a texter struct that stores the document.
  • tree: The tree-sitter tree.

Configuring Parsers

In order to create a workspace, you need to configure the parsers that will be used to create an AST. To simplify parser configuration, you can use the configure_parsers! macro to create a list of parsers.

configure_parsers! takes as first argument the name of the list, then each entry is a parser configuration.

specifies the language for which the parser will be used and the value is a struct that contains the following fields:

A parser requires the following informations:

  • The tree-sitter language fn.
  • The node types.
  • The AST root node (often Module, Document, SourceFile nodes ...).
  • The core query associated with the AST.

Optional fields include:

  • The comment query.
  • The fold query.
  • The highlights query.

The fold query is used to define code folding regions, while the highlights query can be used to specify syntax highlighting rules.


The following example demonstrates how to configure a parser for the Python language:

use auto_lsp::seq;
use auto_lsp::configure_parsers;
use auto_lsp::core::ast::*;

static CORE_QUERY: &'static str = "
(module) @module
   name: (identifier) @function

static COMMENT_QUERY: &'static str = "
(comment) @comment

#[seq(query = "module")]
struct Module {}

    "python" => {
        language: tree_sitter_python::LANGUAGE,
        node_types: tree_sitter_python::NODE_TYPES,
        ast_root: Module,
        core: CORE_QUERY,
        comment: Some(COMMENT_QUERY),
        fold: None,
        highlights: None

Creating a workspace

Once you are done configuring the parsers, you can create a workspace using the Workspace struct.

Workspace will create both the AST and virtual document, returned as a tuple of (Workspace, Document).

Use from_utf8 method when you want to create a workspace from raw source code as a string. If you have a Texter instance, use from_texter instead.

use auto_lsp::core::ast::*;
use auto_lsp::core::workspace::Workspace;
use lsp_types::Url;

let source_code = r#"function foo() {}"#;

// From a string
let (workspace, document) = Workspace::from_utf8(

// From Texter
use auto_lsp::texter::core::text::Texter;

let texter = Texter::new(source_code);

let (workspace, document) = Workspace::from_texter(

Updating a document

Use document.update() to process document changes:

update takes two parameters:

  • The tree-sitter parser instance.
  • A list of lsp_types::TextDocumentChangeEvent changes.
fn main() {
let change = lsp_types::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
    range: Some(lsp_types::Range {
        start: lsp_types::Position {
            line: 0,
            character: 0,
        end: lsp_types::Position {
            line: 0,
            character: 0,
    range_length: Some(26),
    text: "<div></div>".into(),

// Apply changes and get edits
// this list can then be passed to a Workspace
let edits = document
        &mut workspace.parsers.tree_sitter.parser.write(),


Updating a workspace

After document changes, update the workspace using the parse method.


If you have not enabled the incremental feature, you can pass None.

fn main() {
workspace.parse(Some(&edits), &document);

Configuring Document Links

Document links are declared outside the AST.

auto-lsp enables finding document links by running a regular expression on the comments.


Document links will only work if the comments query is provided.


// Create a document or use an existing one

let (workspace, document) = Workspace::from_utf8(
    r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- source:file1.txt:52 -->
    <!-- source:file2.txt:25 -->

let regex = Regex::new(r" source:(\w+\.\w+):(\d+)").unwrap();
let results = workspace.find_all_with_regex(&document, &regex);

assert_eq!(results.len(), 2);

Configuring Semantic Tokens

To configure semantic tokens, you need to use the define_semantic_token_types and define_semantic_token_modifiers macros.

Token Types

use auto_lsp::define_semantic_token_types;

    standard {
         "namespace" => NAMESPACE,
         "type" => TYPE,
         "function" => FUNCTION,
    custom {
        "custom" => CUSTOM,

This macro generates three components to streamline working with semantic token types:

  1. Constants: Creates a constant for each standard and custom token type.
  2. Supported Token Types: Generates a slice (SUPPORTED_TYPES) containing all supported token types that can be reused to inform the LSP client about available tokens.

Token Modifiers

use auto_lsp::define_semantic_token_modifiers;
    standard {

    custom {
        (READONLY, "readonly"),
        (STATIC, "static"),

This generates:

  • Constants for standard (DOCUMENTATION, DECLARATION) and custom (READONLY, STATIC) modifiers.
  • A SUPPORTED_MODIFIERS slice that includes both standard and custom modifiers.

Example in AST

use auto_lsp::semantic_tokens::{SemanticToken, SemanticTokenType, SemanticTokenModifier};

    standard {

    custom {}

    standard {

    custom {}

impl BuildSemanticTokens for MyType {
    fn build_semantic_tokens(&self, doc: &Document, builder: &mut SemanticTokensBuilder) {
            SUPPORTED_TYPES.iter().position(|x| *x == FUNCTION).unwrap() as u32,
            SUPPORTED_MODIFIERS.iter().position(|x| *x == DECLARATION).unwrap() as u32,

LSP Server Initialization

To inform the LSP client about the supported token types and modifiers, you need to pass the SemanticTokensList to the LspOptions struct.

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>> {
    let mut session = Session::create(InitOptions {
        parsers: &PYTHON_PARSERS,
        lsp_options: LspOptions {
            semantic_tokens: Some(SemanticTokensList {
                semantic_token_types: SUPPORTED_TYPES,
                semantic_token_modifiers: SUPPORTED_MODIFIERS,

Configuring a server


LSP Server is only available in the lsp_server feature.

Starting a server

auto-lsp uses lsp_server from rust analyzer and crossbeam to launch the server.

To configure the lsp_server, you need to use the create method from the Session struct wich takes 2 arguments.

  • Parsers: A list of parsers (previously defined with the configure_parsers! macro)
  • LspOptions: Options to configure the LSP server, see LSP Options.
To start a session, you need to provide the InitOptions struct.

use std::error::Error;
use auto_lsp::server::{InitOptions, LspOptions, Session};
use auto_lsp::python::PYTHON_PARSERS;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>> {
    let mut session = Session::create(InitOptions {
        parsers: &PYTHON_PARSERS,
        lsp_options: LspOptions {
            document_symbols: true,
            diagnostics: true,

    // Run the server and wait for the two threads to end (typically by trigger LSP Exit event).

    // Shut down gracefully.
    eprintln!("Shutting down server");

LSP Options

The LspOptions struct contains various settings to enable or disable different LSP features like diagnostics, document symbols, and more.

Depending on how your AST is structured, all requests are fullfiled automatically.

Just 2 options require specific implementations:

Configuring Document Links requires a RegexToDocumentLink struct.

use auto_lsp::server::{RegexToDocumentLink, Session};
use auto_lsp::core::document::Document;
use auto_lsp::core::workspace::Workspace;
use auto_lsp::lsp_types::{DocumentLink, Url};
use auto_lsp::regex::Regex;

let regex = Regex::new(r"(\w+):(\d+)").unwrap();

fn to_document_link(m: regex::Match, line: usize, document: &Document, workspace: &Workspace, acc: &mut Vec<DocumentLink>) -> lsp_types::DocumentLink {
   lsp_types::DocumentLink {
        data: None,
        tooltip: Some(m.as_str().to_string()),
        range: lsp_types::Range {
                    start: lsp_types::Position {
                        line: line as u32,
                        character: m.start() as u32,
                    end: lsp_types::Position {
                        line: line as u32,
                        character: m.end() as u32,

RegexToDocumentLink {

Semantic Tokens

Semantic Tokens that are defined previously with the define_semantic_token_types! and define_semantic_token_modifiers! macros must be provided to the LSP Server.

use auto_lsp::lsp_types::SemanticTokenType;
use auto_lsp::define_semantic_token_types;
use phf::phf_map;

define_semantic_token_types! {
    standard {
         "namespace" => NAMESPACE,
         "type" => TYPE,
         "function" => FUNCTION,

define_semantic_token_modifiers![standard {
    "declaration" => DECLARATION,
    "readonly" => READONLY,

let lsp_options = LspOptions {
    semantic_tokens: Some (SemanticTokensList {
        token_types: &TOKEN_TYPES,
        token_modifiers: &TOKEN_MODIFIERS,

Configuring a client


Thanks to texter crate, the client can send text in any encoding to the server.

texter also provides an efficient way to update documents incrementally.

File extensions

The LSP server must know how each file extensions are associated with a parser.

The client is responsible for sending this information to the server.

Using VScode LSP client, this is done via providing perFileParser object in the initializationOptions of LanguageClientOptions.

import { LanguageClient, LanguageClientOptions, ServerOptions, RequestType } from 'vscode-languageclient/node';

// We tell the server that .py files are associated with the python parser defined via the configure_parsers! macro.
const initializationOptions = {
		perFileParser: {
			"py": "python"

const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		documentSelector: [{ language: 'python' }],
		synchronize: {
			fileEvents: workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/*.py')
		outputChannel: channel,
		uriConverters: createUriConverters(),


You have an example in the vscode-python-wasi-lsp folder in the auto-lsp repository.



Logging is only available in the log feature.

To ensure compatibility with WebAssembly, all logs use stderr output.


Logs will severely impact performance, and should only be used for debugging purposes.

Logs are displayed with a timestamp and log levels.

Logs show in real time:

  • All nodes received from the Core query, including unknown nodes.
  • Number of unsolved checks and refercnes.


Each symbol defined in the AST can be tested independently using the test_parse method.

use auto_lsp::core::ast::*;
use auto_lsp::{seq, choice};

#[seq(query = "document")]
struct Document {
    functions: Vec<Function>,

#[seq(query = "function")]
struct Function {
   name: Identifier,

#[seq(query = "identifier")]
struct Identifier {}

// Test Function independently from Document
fn function() -> TestParseResult {
    r#"function foo()"#)

If test_parse fails, an Ariadne report is generated. This report contains both the error locations and the AST tree, making it easier to diagnose parsing issues

Example with a type error in Python

fn function() -> TestParseResult {
       def foo(param1, param2: int = "5"):

This code will return the following error when running tests:


auto-lsp has been tested on both windows and linux targets.

If you plan to use WebAssembly, you can use the vscode Wasi Lsp wich runs on was32-wasip1-threads target. You'll also need to enable the wasm featuree.

Note that some functionalities, such as deadlock detection are not available on WebAssembly.


You have an example in the vscode-python-wasi-lsp folder in the auto-lsp repository.