Configuring a server


LSP Server is only available in the lsp_server feature.

Starting a server

auto-lsp uses lsp_server from rust analyzer and crossbeam to launch the server.

To configure the lsp_server, you need to use the create method from the Session struct wich takes 2 arguments.

  • Parsers: A list of parsers (previously defined with the configure_parsers! macro)
  • LspOptions: Options to configure the LSP server, see LSP Options.
To start a session, you need to provide the InitOptions struct.

use std::error::Error;
use auto_lsp::server::{InitOptions, LspOptions, Session};
use auto_lsp::python::PYTHON_PARSERS;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>> {
    let mut session = Session::create(InitOptions {
        parsers: &PYTHON_PARSERS,
        lsp_options: LspOptions {
            document_symbols: true,
            diagnostics: true,

    // Run the server and wait for the two threads to end (typically by trigger LSP Exit event).

    // Shut down gracefully.
    eprintln!("Shutting down server");

LSP Options

The LspOptions struct contains various settings to enable or disable different LSP features like diagnostics, document symbols, and more.

Depending on how your AST is structured, all requests are fullfiled automatically.

Just 2 options require specific implementations:

Configuring Document Links requires a RegexToDocumentLink struct.

use auto_lsp::server::{RegexToDocumentLink, Session};
use auto_lsp::core::document::Document;
use auto_lsp::core::workspace::Workspace;
use auto_lsp::lsp_types::{DocumentLink, Url};
use auto_lsp::regex::Regex;

let regex = Regex::new(r"(\w+):(\d+)").unwrap();

fn to_document_link(m: regex::Match, line: usize, document: &Document, workspace: &Workspace, acc: &mut Vec<DocumentLink>) -> lsp_types::DocumentLink {
   lsp_types::DocumentLink {
        data: None,
        tooltip: Some(m.as_str().to_string()),
        range: lsp_types::Range {
                    start: lsp_types::Position {
                        line: line as u32,
                        character: m.start() as u32,
                    end: lsp_types::Position {
                        line: line as u32,
                        character: m.end() as u32,

RegexToDocumentLink {

Semantic Tokens

Semantic Tokens that are defined previously with the define_semantic_token_types! and define_semantic_token_modifiers! macros must be provided to the LSP Server.

use auto_lsp::lsp_types::SemanticTokenType;
use auto_lsp::define_semantic_token_types;
use phf::phf_map;

define_semantic_token_types! {
    standard {
         "namespace" => NAMESPACE,
         "type" => TYPE,
         "function" => FUNCTION,

define_semantic_token_modifiers![standard {
    "declaration" => DECLARATION,
    "readonly" => READONLY,

let lsp_options = LspOptions {
    semantic_tokens: Some (SemanticTokensList {
        token_types: &TOKEN_TYPES,
        token_modifiers: &TOKEN_MODIFIERS,