Creating a workspace

Once you are done configuring the parsers, you can create a workspace using the Workspace struct.

Workspace will create both the AST and virtual document, returned as a tuple of (Workspace, Document).

Use from_utf8 method when you want to create a workspace from raw source code as a string. If you have a Texter instance, use from_texter instead.

use auto_lsp::core::ast::*;
use auto_lsp::core::workspace::Workspace;
use lsp_types::Url;

let source_code = r#"function foo() {}"#;

// From a string
let (workspace, document) = Workspace::from_utf8(

// From Texter
use auto_lsp::texter::core::text::Texter;

let texter = Texter::new(source_code);

let (workspace, document) = Workspace::from_texter(

Updating a document

Use document.update() to process document changes:

update takes two parameters:

  • The tree-sitter parser instance.
  • A list of lsp_types::TextDocumentChangeEvent changes.
fn main() {
let change = lsp_types::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
    range: Some(lsp_types::Range {
        start: lsp_types::Position {
            line: 0,
            character: 0,
        end: lsp_types::Position {
            line: 0,
            character: 0,
    range_length: Some(26),
    text: "<div></div>".into(),

// Apply changes and get edits
// this list can then be passed to a Workspace
let edits = document
        &mut workspace.parsers.tree_sitter.parser.write(),


Updating a workspace

After document changes, update the workspace using the parse method.


If you have not enabled the incremental feature, you can pass None.

fn main() {
workspace.parse(Some(&edits), &document);